10 Most Paused Star Trek Moments

3. Remmick's Head

Star Trek Commander Remmick

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1, Episode 25

This moment from The Next Generation's first season episode Conspiracy is easily one of the most iconic shots from the show. Star Trek rarely ventured toward gore but this moment has been burned into the eyes of audiences since its premiere.

Commander Remmick had been introduced earlier in the season so, though he was not a main character, he was still known. Whether he was part of the conspiracy at that point is unknown but by the time of this reveal, he became the incubator for the Insect Alien Queen in his chest.

When Riker and Picard turn their phasers on him, that shot of the flesh on his head vaporizing before the skull explodes is truly disturbing. It led to the episode being heavily censored on subsequent airings, with the scene omitting Remmick's fate almost entirely. Now, thanks to the lovely BluRay remaster, we can pause on the poor man's death as much as we like, looking into his sparkling eyes.

Before they explode.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick