10 Most Paused Star Trek Moments

4. Future Details On Screen

Star Trek Commander Remmick

Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4, Episode 19

In A Mirror, Darkly is one of the best stories in Star Trek: Enterprise. The arrival of the old Constitution class, new in this context, USS Defiant was pure fan service and it worked perfectly. On board the ship, there are TOS style costumes and weapons, which leads to the Enterprise characters donning old style uniforms.

However, the most paused moment comes from these brief shots shown above. Prime Universe Archer and Hoshi would presumably be long dead by the time the Defiant was in service. Their biographical data is on file in the ship's computers.

Archer's biography says that he will go on to become President of the Federation and that Archer IV, a planet named in The Next Generation, is named after him. Hoshi's information includes her birthday and her rank at the time of retirement, which was Lieutenant Commander.

The full, HD images of both screens can be viewed on designer Mike Sussman's Twitter account. It also details both the beginning of and the defeat of the Romulan Star Empire at the hands of the Earth/Andorian/Tellarite/Vulcan alliance.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick