10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Trek

7. Jem'hadar Disruptors

Tr118 DS9

The Jem'hadar were the foot soldiers of the Dominion and they proved themselves, time and time again, to be a deadly army. While their vessels were outfitted with weapons that could punch through the shields of a Galaxy-class ship with ease, their handheld disruptors were more insidious. Though they carried knives for close-quarters combat, it was their pulse rifles that were the worst.

Surviving an initial shot from one of these weapons was not a guarantee you'd actually live, as Crewman Muniz discovered in 2373. While investigating a crashed Jem'hadar vessel, he was shot by a soldier as his away team retreated. Despite days of keeping his strength up, the engineer died anyway, deeply affecting both Chief O'Brien and Commander Worf.

Worf would later have another encounter with these weapons as he and Dax attempted to smuggle a Cardassian informant back to the Federation. Dax was shot and, though there was an anti-coagulant in the discharge that prevented her wounds from clotting, she was effectively bleeding to death, slowly, while Worf was forced to carry on alone.

Unable to lose her, he turned back. Though he managed to get her back to the station in time for Bashir to heal her wounds, it still cost him - Sisko informing him that his decision meant he would never be offered a command of his own, even if he did sympathise with Worf's reasons.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick