10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Trek

6. Varon-T Disruptor

Tr118 DS9

The Varon-T disruptor was a nasty piece of technology, of which only five were ever produced. The weapon killed its victims slowly, disintegrating them as a phaser would. The disruptor tore apart people at the molecular level, leaving them in unbelievable agony in their final moments.

Four of the five weapons were owned by Kivas Fajo, an a-moral collector of rare artefacts. He faked Data's death in a bid to add the android to his collection, yet failed to anticipate how earnestly he would attempt to escape. Data was aided in his efforts by Varria, a once loyal, disillusioned member of Fajo's crew.

On discovery of her treachery, Fajo toyed with her momentarily before taking aim and firing. She died horribly, eliciting what might have been Data's first emotional decision. He trained the weapon on Fajo, calculating that leaving the man alive would result in more suffering. He began to fire at the same instant that the Enterprise beamed him away. It is unclear if he knowingly lied to Riker and O'Brien, claiming that the weapon had discharged during transport.

The final disruptor was destroyed several years later. During a routine baryon sweep, the Enterprise-D was infiltrated by pirates. One of them, Kelsey, had the last weapon, though it exploded with her once her ship was sabotaged by Captain Picard.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick