10 Most Rewatchable Horror TV Shows

4. Supernatural

Supernatural Image2
The CW

Way back in 2005 a little show premiered on The CW network. Starring two reasonably attractive young men, a kickass classic rock score and employing a host of writers and directors who had previously worked on The X-Files – Supernatural was an alright little show that everyone thought might make one or two seasons then go away to be forgotten. Boy, were we wrong.

Though never blowing up to become a ratings juggernaut, Supernatural has chugged along at a steady pace and just…never…really…stopped. Now, it’s 15 seasons later and finally the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester are drawing to a close. I’ll repeat: 15 seasons.

Not only has it had longevity, but Supernatural has proven to be a far greater show than it was ever expected to be. Using real-world mythology and folklore to outstanding effect, the show makes the most of its reasonably small budget and presents us with modern takes on what classic monsters might be like. The show eventually expands to begin working in christian mythology including angels, demons and Lucifer himself. Surprisingly, not only does it all work but it is all endlessly entertaining and re-watchable.

Blending action, scares and frequent moments of memorable levity, the team behind Supernatural have succeeded in creating something much bigger than it had any right to be.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.