10 Most Rewatchable TV Shows Of All Time

8. Parks And Recreation

Parks And Rec Cast Photo

Like most shows with a seven season shelf life, Parks And Recreation’s quality is variable. But while the laughs do dry up a little in the last few seasons, Mike Schur’s superb workplace comedy sustains itself on genuinely engaging storylines, and one of the most delightful TV world ever created.

Parks And Recreation is among the warmest TV shows ever made, but it never gets cloying. Like many workplace comedies, the characters form an ersatz family, but this one’s about as believable as any ever seen on television. Every actor has tremendous chemistry with every other, and it’s one of the most stacked casts in recent memory: Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Rashida Jones, and Adam Scott, to name but a few.

It’s an ambitious show, too, quickly evolving from another Office-aping mock doc to a show with something to say about modern America, its politics and its small towns. It has a heart of gold, and almost always succeeds in what it sets out to accomplish.

If any show has ever felt like a warm hug, it’s this one. Even if it doesn’t always make you laugh, it’s all but guaranteed to chase the blues away.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)