10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

1. The Daleks, The Evil Of The Daleks

The Daleks are accidentally summoned to Victorian London by the time-travel experiments of Theodore Maxtible and Edward Waterfield. The Daleks immediately kidnap Waterfield's daughter and force him to kidnap the Doctor. To do this, Waterfield embarks on a simple and straightforward plan. The Doctor and Jamie have just said goodbye to Ben and Polly in 1966, only to find the TARDIS has just been stolen. They ask a nearby mechanic, but the conversation is being listened to by a man named Kennedy, who reports back to...Edward Waterfield. The mechanic is deemed suspicious and followed to his rendezvous with Kennedy, who knocks him out and then locks the Doctor and Jamie in and leaves a box of matches behind leaving a trail to the Tri-Colour cafe. Waterfield's assistant Perry meets the Doctor and Jamie there and tells them to come to Waterfield's antique shop. There Waterfield finds that a Dalek has appeared and killed Kennedy, and tears a photo of the Doctor in half, places one half of it in Kennedy's hand and the other half sticking out of a box full of knockout gas. Jamie duly obliges, and he and the Doctor are knocked out and taken to the Victorian era. So that's that part of the scheme. Then the Daleks tell the Doctor why they got Waterfield to get him, which is that they want him to get Jamie to undergo a series of experiments because €“ due to his adventures with the Doctor €“ Jamie is the most human human who ever did human, and by studying something the Daleks can discover something called 'The Human Factor' that will make them invincible. To find this, they want to watch Jamie trying to rescue Waterfield's daughter, who is imprisoned in a maze of traps with a mute Turkish strongman. If Russell T. Davies had written this one, you'd never hear the end of it. Which other ridiculously complex Doctor Who villain plans belong on this list? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.
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