10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

8. The War Lord, The War Games

In order to conquer the galaxy, a renegade Time Lord known only as the War Chief and some unspecified aliens (led by the War Lord and Security Chief) have devised a scheme to abduct soldiers from numerous points at Earth€™s history (but not the future) and make them fight in historically accurate simulated zones reflecting the soldiers€™ eras. The soldiers are brainwashed and kept in check by aliens in authority positions in their armies, plus additional security forces in the aliens€™ headquarters. The ultimate aim of this is to produce an army from the survivors that the aliens will use to conquer the galaxy. To be fair to the group their original plan probably made perfect sense, but due to their relationship being defined by bickering one-upmanship it probably took a few detours along the way.
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