10 Most Ridiculously Convoluted Plans By Doctor Who Villains

9. The Kraals, The Android Invasion

The Kraals have faithfully recreated the village of Devesham, due to its proximity to a Space Defence Station, in order to test their ability to invade the Earth. Astronaut Guy Crayford is helping the Kraals do so because the Earth abandoned him in space and the Kraals rescued him, healing him after an accident and giving him a nifty eye patch. It turns out that he actually has both eyes and the Kraals simply kidnapped him and then lied about their intentions, hoping to use his spaceship€™s return as cover for their distributing a deadly virus using their androids. The Doctor and Sarah Jane happen to arrive in this recreation, which is immediately distinctive from a quiet English village due to all the villagers being stilted and creepy, arriving in the empty village on the back of a truck, and being guarded by white-suited men in opaque visors with guns built into their fingers. While theoretically more thorough than sugar, the androids have a blockable control signal and so all the Kraals painstaking work ensuring verisimilitude was for nothing. Never again would we see them threaten the Earth with their popular catchphrase €˜Resistance is inadvisable€™.
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