10 Most Satisfying Twists In Star Trek

4. Voyager 6

Star Trek Sarah Sisko
Paramount Pictures

Star Trek: The Motion Picture will forever remain one of our favourite entries into the Trek canon, even if it isn't the most exciting film in the bunch. It is, arguably, the most science-fiction heavy Star Trek movie of them all, with its themes of exploration, extra-terrestrial intelligence and the search for something greater than what we see before us.

The reveal of V'Ger's origin - that of being one of the Voyager space probes launched from Earth - is a perfect twist on the cyclical story. The Motion Picture doesn't rely on effects-heavy space battles to achieve its end, but rather on the calculations of Spock, the childlike innocence of V'Ger (in the form of Lt. Ilia) and the very human insistence on experience of Decker.

While The Motion Picture may be best remembered for the absolutely gorgeous visuals that it offers to the audience, the importance of the twist should not be forgotten. Humanity's curiosity almost becomes its own doom, with its reach far exceeding its grasp. However, the movie also offers the resolution that we are ultimately capable of anything, as long as we are open to change.

We may be on a lonely hill here, but we are firmly camped in and ready for the long haul!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick