10 Most Satisfying Twists In Star Trek

3. You're A God, Ben

Star Trek Sarah Sisko

The spiritualism that exists in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is one of the key factors to its success, though it is not to everyone's tastes. Gene Roddenberry had envisaged a future without religion, so having Captain Sisko be so heavily involved in it may have been antithetical to what he had wanted for Star Trek. However, by the seventh season of the show, Sisko's close relationship with the Prophets is explained.

He was chosen by them to be their Emissary. To that end, they arranged his birth. One of them took control of Sarah Sisko and arranged for her to meet Joseph, staying long enough to ensure Ben's birth.

Sometimes, this kind of reveal can be risky. It is in a way similar to introducing a new member of the family very far down the line. However, the writers' took special care to ensure that the reveal was backed up through the entire series, so much so that when Sarah Sisko was introduced, she felt like the natural next step in Ben's story.

His final fate (so far) to arrive in the Celestial Temple again feels like the right place for his story to pause. It is hopefully not the entire end, as Sisko has two children and a wife out there, but with the timeless nature of the Prophets, who is to say when or where he could turn up?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick