10 Most Satisfying Twists In Star Trek

2. The Shields Do Work

Star Trek Sarah Sisko

In Star Trek: The Next Generation's episode Suspicians, Dr. Crusher quits Starfleet, owing to the death of two scientists as part of metaphasic shield testing. The episode opens with her relating the story of what happened to Guinan (and the audience) in the form of a flashback. As the experiments continued, the Ferengi Dr. Ragar had developed this shielding which would allow a ship to enter the corona of a star. However, he was murdered.

The experiment presses on regardless, with Dr. Jo Brill taking a shuttle equipped with the shields into the star. The shields fail him and Dr. Crusher is forced to watch him die on the viewscreen.

And that's that. She tells Guinan she's resigned and is awaiting an inquiry. Guinan, true to character, is having none of it and encourages Beverly to test if something really did go wrong. So, bucked by this, Crusher takes the shuttle back and discovers that there is nothing wrong with the shields at all. In fact, a very much alive Dr. Jo Brill attempts to murder her inside the shuttle, but she is able to fight him off.

She returns to the ship, vindicated and exonerated, feeling triumph at her win.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick