10 Most Shocking Betrayals In Anime History

8. Satsuki Kiryuin - Kill La Kill

Attack on Titan Reiner Bertholdt
Udon Entertainment

Satsuki Kiryuin started her time in Kill La Kill as the main antagonist for the main character Ryuko Matoi. Constantly sending her armies of underlings to battle and wear down Ryuko and her allies. All in preparation for her master plan to make her academy the greatest in the world.

It is revealed halfway through the show that Satsuki is actually working for her mother, who is the global leader in the clothing industry, essentially running a clothes monopoly. Then things get very strange.

It turns out the clothing empire is actually a front to ensure that everyone in the world is wearing a set of clothes made from alien DNA, that will consume their bodies and turn them into mindless husks.

Satsuki and her mother were on the verge of enacting this master pan when Satsuki turned her entire academy on her mother's forces. Satsuki even beheaded her own mother in an attempt to stop her from destroying the world and all of humanity.

Her plan fails, but it was still surprising to see the main villain of the show reveal herself to actually have been an ally to Ryuko Matoi the entire time, and even more surprising when the two were revealed to actually be sisters.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.