10 Most Shocking Moments Of True Detective Season 2 Episode 2

7. Ray's Wife Takes His Son Away From Him

In Episode 1's most explicitly violent moment, Ray mercilessly beat the father of his son's bully, leaving him bloody and beaten on his own front lawn. He was never likely to escape the consequences of such a brutal incident, and it came back to bite him in Episode 2. In her first onscreen appearance, Ray's ex-wife meets with him in a parking lot. She explains that she is pursuing full custody of their son, a revelation which sends Ray flying into a vulnerable rage. He claims that he "did it" for her, an act implied to be the murder of her rapist. She denies such a claim, leaving audiences to muse at his true motive. Protection of his own fragile masculinity? A simple love of violence? Ray is rendered desperate by the impending loss of his son, as well as his ex-wife's threat to get a paternity test. It's clear from this exchange that Ray believes his son to be the only worthwhile thing left in his life; removing him could send the detective off the deep end.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.