10 Most Shocking Moments On ER

7. Baby Ella Swallows Ecstasy

ER Lucy Knight

Mark Greene had a rough few years at County General. His first year is marked by his estrangement from his wife, Jen, who is unable to reconcile with the hours he works against her wishes for her own career. They separate and share joint custody of their daughter, Rachael.

As Rachael grows, she begins to act out more and more. When Mark enters into a relationship with Dr. Corday, this softens a little, even if there is still tension in the house. Mark and Corday have a child together, Ella, who they allow Rachael to care for from time to time.

This turns out to be a mistake.

In the eighth season episode Damage Is Done, Rachael bursts into Corday's bedroom, worried that Ella won't stop crying. They quickly discover to their horror that Ella has consumed ecstasy, tablets that she had found in Rachael's bag. A horrific, panic-stricken episode follows where both Mark and Corday attempt to save Ella - which they do - although the anger that is directed toward Rachael after this seems certain to destroy their family.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick