10 Most Shocking Moments On ER

6. Romano Loses His Arm

ER Lucy Knight

In the opening episode of ER's ninth season, Chaos Theory, the department has been put in quarantine due to an outbreak of Monkey Pox. In order to evacuate some of the more critical patients, helicopters are used to get them out and away.

Dr. Robert Romano is no one's favourite person in the ER, yet his accident is truly horrific. After his medical chart is blown off a gurney (during an argument with Luka), he stoops to pick it up - managing to completely fail to notice the tail rotors of the helicopter.

The moment is instantaneous and brutal. One moment, he is one of the hospital's most brilliant surgeons. The next moment - he is lying on the ground, his arm is missing and he is vomiting from shock and trauma. He would not be the only one to lose their lunch, as the scene is depicted in a stark realism that only ER knew how to depict.

A truly shocking opening to the new season of ER.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick