10 Most Shocking Moments On ER

3. Dr. Gallant Is Killed In Iraq

ER Lucy Knight

Michael Gallant appeared in 60 episodes of ER, from first introduction to his eventual death. In that time, he was initially touted as a replacement for the outgoing Dr. Benton, though that couldn't be further from the truth as the two men were nothing alike.

Gallant was a med student who was receiving funding from the US army. His discipline from his combat training fed into his actions in the ER, even if it sometimes left him a bit unwielding.

A mistake costs him his place in County General, and he decides to re-enlist as his way out. This drives a wedge between himself and Neela, with whom he had been involved. He returns several times and they eventually marry. However, in the penultimate episode of the twelfth season, he is killed in the opening moments when a bomb destroys the truck he had been travelling in.

A truly shocking exit, it was particularly affecting when the news is delivered to Neela.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick