10 Most Shocking Moments On ER

4. Abby Is Attacked By Her Neighbour

ER Lucy Knight

In the eighth season, Abby seeks to help her neighbour (played by Mad Men star Christina Hendricks) by taking her in once she discovers the latter is being abused by her partner. That same partner tries to first get Abby on his side and then later tries to intimidate her into staying out of what is going on between them. Neither tactic works, leading to a truly disturbing scene.

In episode 14, A Simple Twist Of Fate, Abby answers a knock at the door, only for the man to burst inside and begin to savagely beat her. He knocks her to the ground, punching and kicking her, reigning the same violence down on her that he had been visiting on his partner.

It is horrific, leaving Abby in a broken state. She goes to the hospital, where Susan Lewis must also check to see if she has been raped - though thankfully she hadn't been.

Luka, already having shown how far he would go for her on their first date, then chases down the attacker. Though this one survives Luka's anger, it is a grim episode for all concerned.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick