10 Most Surprising Rick And Morty Celebrity Cameos

3. Taika Waititi

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From the gently spoken Korg (undoubtedly one of the MCU's most valued players) to his more serious turn as the bounty hunting droid IG-11 in The Mandalorian, Taika Waititi's accent always stands out.

His turn in the latest season of Rick and Morty is no different, with a Korg-like innocence in his voice as he plays Rick's sweet new alien intern Glootie, who prefaces every sentence by asking "do you wanna develop an app?"

This short enthusiastic purple alien with four eyes branded with "do not develop my app" on his forehead of course co-develops a dating app, with the equally lovable yet gullible Jerry, entitled Lovefinderrz.

Ultimately, similar to his fellow New Zealander Jemaine Clement's Fart, this seemingly innocent alien is harbouring a secret with his destructive dating app, which only leads to misery and death. However, unlike Fart there is time for Glootie to realise the error of his ways and find redemption in saving Morty and Jerry's life in the final act.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).