10 Most Terrifying Locations In Game Of Thrones

6. Craster's Keep

Game Of Thrones Hall Of Faces

Going beyond the Wall is never a pleasant journey. Though there are many dangers in this part of Westeros, Craster’s keep stands out as one of the most unsettling locations in the north.

Inside his keep, Craster commits countless acts of incest with his daughter-wives and – far from feeling any remorse – appears to positively relish in his actions. What’s more, Craster also gives his new-born sons as a gift to the White Walkers, and as such, these terrifying creatures are never too far away.

When Craster is killed in a mutiny, his keep is then controlled by Karl Tanner. The mutineers abuse Craster’s daughters still further and are only stopped when Jon and several others come and kill them.

As such, this location is never anything but a place of debauchery. Whether it’s controlled by Tanner or Craster himself, this northern keep represents the worst of humanity.


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