10 Most Terrifying Locations In Game Of Thrones

5. The Fighting Pits Of Meereen

Game Of Thrones Hall Of Faces

Due to the violence of the Sons of the Harpy, Daenerys is forced to reopen the fighting pits of Meereen against her will.

Her hesitancy to do so is perfectly understandable. The fighting pits are clearly inspired by the gladiator arenas of the Roman era, and as such, they are nothing but centres of violence. Participants are forced to do battle surrounded by the jeers and cheers of the crowd and almost all of them are savaged in a matter of moments.

During the rather short amount of time the pits are featured in the show, viewers witness a decapitation, a knife being plunged into someone’s neck, several stabs to the gut, and plenty of other brutal and bloody acts.

Of course, the situation becomes much worse when the Sons of the Harpy arrive. But even before they make an appearance, the fighting pits of Meereen are terrifying enough on their own.


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