10 Most Terrifying Locations In Game Of Thrones

4. The Hall Of Faces

Game Of Thrones Hall Of Faces

The House of Black and White is a creepy place. With its dark aesthetic and theological underpinnings, it certainly isn't one of the more appealing locations in Braavos.

As eerie as the entire temple is, the most unsettling part of the House of Black and White is the Hall of Faces. It’s here that the Faceless Men store the faces of all the victims they’ve slaughtered over the years to then use as their own disguises.

This is unsettling enough, but the way the faces are stored makes the hall even more terrifying. They are all positioned alongside each other inside giant pillars that stretch high above those in the hall. And despite the closed eyelids, the faces almost feel as if they’re looking down from above.

The Faceless Men may be an intriguing bunch, but the Hall of Faces reveals how they’re also barbaric and rather frightening.


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