10 Most Underappreciated Seasons Of Cult-Favourite TV Shows

7. Season 5 - Fringe

Fringe Cast

After miraculously being resurrected following cancellation, the makers of Fringe were tasked with wrapping its story up with a reduced episode count and a fairly modest budget. And what they managed to achieve under such constraints is truly astounding, managing to conclude the show in a big and emotionally resonate way whilst ensuring the show kept the same level of quality it always had.

Jumping ahead by twenty-four years, many of the plot-lines from the previous seasons had to be dropped in order to accommodate this final push to the finish line.

But what it may have lacked in a dense and slow-building narrative, it more than made up for it with explosive action and some of the most hard-hitting character deaths we'd seen up to this point.

Granted, it does feel a little rushed, but given the nature of its creation, it's easy to forgive this and fans should be happy that Fox threw them a bone and actually gave them a conclusion. Had the show been canceled for good at the end of its fourth season, there's no doubt that Fringe wouldn't be so fondly remembered, given how shocking and tantalising the finale of season four was.

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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.