10 Most Underrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

1. Dawn Summers

Buffy Kendra
Mutant Enemy

Dawn Summers' inclusion on the top of this list isn't so much that she's underrated, but has more to do with the fact that she's over-hated.

Admittedly, she's not without her flaws; she's shrill, naïve, occasionally selfish, and her kleptomania phase is somewhat annoying.

But even so, think about what she went through. She had an emotionally distant sister, she learned she wasn't real and only existed to open a demon hell dimension on earth, and her mom died, all in the space of a season, which also concludes with Buffy dying to save the world.

Considering all this hardship, Dawn's worst habits are very understandable. The amount of development she achieves after this is also fantastic, since she grows into one of the show's most dependable and brave fighters.

Nearly twenty years after the Buffy's final episode, it's about time Dawn got some of the respect and support she deserves, and that's why she has to be the show's most undervalued character.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.