10 Most Underrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

6. Jenny Calendar

Buffy Kendra
Mutant Enemy

Jenny Calendar is often remembered for two specific things: Her gypsy heritage, which was directly linked to Angel being cursed with a soul; and her horrific death at the hands of an enraged Angelus.

Though often talked about negatively in the fandom because of the secrets she kept from Buffy and love interest Giles, Jenny was actually responsible for the show's earliest redemption arcs, and was actually very compelling.

After the gang found out about her true identity, Jenny spent much of the second season trying to redeem herself by finding a way to give Angel his soul back. This ended in tragedy, as she was killed and left for Giles to find, but her work was directly responsible for saving Angel (briefly) at the end of the season.

Like most characters on the show, Jenny was flawed, but her mistakes and attempts to right her wrongs made her a genuinely effective, underrated creation.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.