10 Most Underrated SpongeBob SquarePants Episodes

8. 'The Bad Guy Club For Villains' (Season Seven)

Spongebob Squarepants

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are two of the best side characters in SpongeBob SquarePants. They've spawned numerous episodes of their own, each of which is always entertaining.

None of those episodes quite hit at the core of their characters quite like 'The Bad Guy Club for Villains' though. It's the perfect rift on the 1966 Batman show that clearly served to help inspire the two undersea heroes. Leaning into that theme, the entire plot is bonkers, and allows for both characters to shine in a way that they rarely got to do in some of their more well-known outings.

Barnacle Boy gets to let loose some alliterative Robin-style catchphrases, while Mermaid Man finds himself with amble time to dramatically explain plot details, cementing this episode as a real throwback to the wackier days of the Dark Knight in the 60's.

While we don't really see much of SpongeBob or the rest of the traditional cast in this episode, the fact that this episode finally gives us an outing inspired by the also under-appreciated 1966 Batman series makes it a must-see.


Brett Grega is a freelance writer, and avid NBA fan. Follow him at @wrestlegrognard or email him at brettg26101@gmail.com.