10 Most Underrated Stargate Episodes

6. Inferno - Atlantis

Stargate Atlantis Vegas

The Atlantis expedition discover a planet named Taranis, which contains a civilization that has not suffered at the hands of the Wraith in the same way that the rest of the Pegasus galaxy has. They use Ancient technology to hide themselves. However, annoyingly, the planet is about to undergo a huge seismic change that will see the continent explode.

And there's an Aurora Class Ancient battle-cruiser on the planet.

This episode could be summarized as a convoluted way for the team to get a Battlecruiser to compliment the Daedalus, but its actually quite a solid episode by itself. It is exciting enough that it moves at a quick pace, and guest star Robert Foxworth is always watchable - Trek fans will know him as both Admiral Leyton and the Vulcan Administrator V'Las.

The name of the planet went through several rewrites throughout the scripting process, to the utter frustration of writer Carl Binder - but the final result is one of the stronger stand-alone episodes in Atlantis's run.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick