10 Most Underrated Stargate Episodes

3. Time - Universe

Stargate Atlantis Vegas

This is a creepy little episode of SGU that details the grizzly deaths of several of the main cast, through the footage of a recording Kino device that the team finds on a jungle world. They first begin to fall ill on the surface of the planet, before night falls and they are attack en masse by strange, burrowing creatures that tear through their bodies.

The team sees this footage and yet falls into a similar trap again, in an episode that could be seen as SGU's version of Window of Opportunity - though a very downbeat and frightening version at that.

It is a stand out episode, one that plays on the notion of time and plays on the relationships that the audience had been starting to grow with the new team. While much of SGU itself is underrated, this is an episode that deserves to be watched and enjoyed on its own merits.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick