10 Most Unexpected Doctor Who Moments

8. Oswin Is A Dalek

Dr Who David Tennant Shocked

Prior to Series 7, it had been announced that Jenna Coleman would be Matt's Smith's new companion and that she would make her debut in the Christmas Special, after the first batch of episodes.

So it was a big surprise when Coleman suddenly appeared in the series opener, Asylum Of The Daleks, as Oswin Oswald, the sole-survivor of a crashed starliner, with a knack for hacking. At first it looked as though they were just introducing Coleman early and she would become a regular companion later, as had been done with Catherine Tate's Donna Noble.

But then the real unexpected surprise happens. Oswin was in fact converted into a Dalek but still believes she's human, thus explaining how she survived for so long on a planet infested with insane Daleks, and why she's able to corrupt their memories.

It's a real sucker-punch reveal and one that devastates the Eleventh Doctor and the audience. There were to be many more twists and turns regarding Clara Oswald, but none of them were as shocking and fantastic as the first.

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22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.