10 Most Unusual Demands Made By Doctor Who Guest Stars

9. Nick Briggs Disagreed With How The Daleks Were Written - Doomsday

Steven Berkoff Doctor Who

Nicholas Briggs is so entwined with the Daleks now that a whole nation responded to the Executioner's line "I AM NOT NICK" with "YES YOU ARE!" On top of this, he's the voice of the Cybermen, the Judoon, the Zygons, Skaldak the Ice Warrior, not to mention his extensive work with Big Finish. Briggs is one of the few figures to have been with Doctor Who since 2005. He's the Monster guy! He has a ring modulator! He's the Dalek expert!

So much so that during filming of the Series 2 finale, Doomsday, he disagreed with how the dialogue was written. Reading the script, Briggs felt that Dalek Sec sounded like he was, jarringly, in conversation with himself and that the lines would be better split between Sec and another Dalek. Director Graeme Harper agreed and they sought permission to change the script as written.

Is Briggs paid by the Dalek or just a flat rate for voice work? If the former then this was a sneaky little move for some extra cash, but it's more likely to be the latter and he just really knows his Daleks.


Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.