10 Most Uplifting Star Trek Moments

2. Kirk Is Demoted - But Gets The Enterprise A - Voyage Home

Star Trek Amok

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is the most fun of all of the Trek movies. It has action and comedy, it has heart and it has drama. Kirk gets the girl. Spock swims with Whales and McCoy, well, McCoy gets to school some primitive doctors on their craft.

Honestly, this film alone could make an entire list of uplift moments. The hospital scene is among the best that Trek has ever offered. But, call it sentimentality, the closing sequence of the film never fails to get a rise.

The crew stand on trial for their very legitimate crimes from the previous film. They sabotaged the Excelsior! But, they did it with heart. Then, on the way home, they threw the odds in their favour by saving the planet. Again. So, everything looks rosy. However, one charge is not dropped, that of disobeying the orders of a superior. Kirk may be an Admiral, but we all answer to somebody. As a result of this, his rank is stripped and he is demoted.


Admiral Kirk would have had to return to a desk job at Starfleet headquarters. Captain Kirk is free of that responsibility and is returned to the role he should never have left. With a smile that would melt a Vulcan, he accepts the command of a starship as punishment for his crimes. A slow pan and a cheeky tease later, his shuttle rises above the dome of the Excelsior and the brand new, wrinkle free USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A rises into view. Its soaring. Its warming. Its Star Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick