10 Must-See New TV Shows Starting In February 2022
8. jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy
The genuine quality of this three part documentary about the mercurial rapper, producer, fashionista etc will come down to West’s influence on the product. Ye has become an increasingly divisive and often difficult figure over the years, and Lord knows the man has an ego. He’s credited as a producer; there’s a chance this will end up a lengthy puff piece.
On the other hand, over the years few major stars have been as self critical or self lacerating as West. He’s self absorbed for sure, but he’s always willing to examine his worst traits and to own up to his mistakes (though this seldom stops him from making them again).
Ye is at a crossroads at the moment, the most acclaimed artist of the millennium finally showing signs of losing his way as the press bait him and monitor his every move for an easy headline. He’s a troubled and troublesome individual, undeniably fascinating even if you can’t stand him.
To that end, provided this is a documentary with good intentions and a critical eye, it should be very interesting indeed. If nothing else, it’ll be an eye opener.