10 Must-See New TV Shows Starting In February 2022
6. Chloe
Erin Doherty is probably best known for portraying Princess Anne in the middle seasons of Netflix prestige drama The Crown, but after her turn in this upcoming miniseries, she’ll likely be a star on the rise. Chloe is a far more timely affair and looks to be a tense and gripping vehicle for Doherty at centre stage.
Doherty stars as Becky, a put-upon and underemployed woman who, like so many people, spends a lot of time comparing her life to that of others on social media. Becky takes it to the extreme, though, focussing a great deal of her time on Chloe, an influencer and high society presence whose account becomes Becky’s obsession.
When Chloe mysteriously dies, Becky is shocked, but quickly sees the opportunity to start over, building a new personality and infiltrating Chloe’s circle. But the six part series boasts many twists and turns beyond this.
Chloe looks like a slick take on a (fairly) modern phenomenon with a performance at its centre that could prove to be a breakthrough on a major scale.