10 Nicest Things Bojack Horseman Has Ever Done

7. He Became An Expert In Rugby To Support Hollyhock

Bojack Horseman Mirror

While Bojack took up his teaching position at Wesleyan, his half sister attended as a student. Nothing could have made him happier, as all he wanted to do was get to know Hollyhock and spend time with her, even if the feeling wasn't reciprocated to quite the same extent.

When she started to play competitive rugby for the university, Bojack made sure he was there at every single game, cheering her on like crazy. Rugby, however, isn't big in the USA by any stretch, and he found himself unable to follow or understand the game.

This is when he dug up literally every book he could find on the sport, learned all the rules so he knew when Hollyhock was doing well, and basically became an expert in the sport. Just so he could support his sister in something that she was passionate about.

Though the gesture and effort went largely unappreciated by Hollyhock, it goes to show just how much Bojack cared for her, and wanted to share things with her.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.