10 Overlooked Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes That Are Secretly Classics

2. Normal Again (Season 6, Episode 17)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Primeval
20th Television

Episodes such as Normal Again can quite often fall flat on their face, but leave it to the Buffy writers to craft a "what if this was all a hallucination?" scenario that's ultimately quite believable.

After being poisoned by a demon, Buffy begins hallucinating that she's a patient in a psychiatric ward. Her parents are both there - alive and well - and she's quickly told that she's been in a state of delirium for the last six years, ranting and raving about being the Chosen One.

These hallucinations soon become too intense and Buffy confesses to Willow that she had previously been sectioned when she first learned of her Slayer calling and ruminates on whether or not the past six years were all a fantasy.

This makes for some incredibly gripping and genuinely uncomfortable viewing as Buffy begins to succumb to her delirium and is lead to believe that the only way to be healthy again is to murder those around her.

It's certainly one of the show's darkest outings, and one that has the audacity to never reveal the truth, leaving us to wonder if the entire show had been a fabrication of Buffy's broken psyche.

It's bold, disturbing, and genuinely quite brilliant.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.