10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In Stranger Things

7. Horsin' Around

Stranger Things Season 3 Steve Harrington Horse

One of the major narratives in Season 3 revolved around Steve, Dustin and Robin's attempts to decode a secret Russian message, and while they successfully translated it, they found themselves unable to figure out what it actually meant or where it was coming from. That is, until Steve recognized the music in the background of the broadcast to be the melody that played over the mall's horse ride Indiana Flyer.

Undoubtedly a real jaw-dropper of a moment that was both effective and enlightening, but if you stop to think about it for longer than three seconds, the flaws begin to show.

First of all, if the Russians were broadcasting from their lab, which was probably a mile below the surface, there is absolutely no chance that the music from the horse ride would end up on the transmission - and, if anything, this so-called interference certainly wouldn't be that clear.

Speaking of clarity, the other option is that a Russian soldier actually broadcast from the mall floor and just so happened to be standing beside the horse when they did so. But given that they were attempting to be covert about the whole thing, it's highly unlikely that they would have authorised anyone to do this in a place that was literally at the public heart of the town.

The horse seems like nothing more than a tool designed to get Steve and co. to figure out that the Russians were in Hawkins but, given that they literally worked above them, surely the writers could have come up with a less problematic way to do so.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.