10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In The Arrowverse

1. The Many Faces Of Harrison Wells Aren't Recognized By The Public

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Due to the Reverse-Flash's heinous shenanigans in Season 1 of The Flash, Earth-1 has deemed the dearly departed (and innocent) Harrison Wells a criminal. This was something that impacted Earth-2's Harry Wells, as multiple Earth-1 folk mistook him as the evil speedster. And then you have Earth-19's H.R. Wells - who actually had to use an Earth-19 facial transmogrification device to give him a new appearance in order to avoid the comparisons (even though we still saw Tom Cavanagh's face).

However, since then, there has been no explanation as to whether or not subsequent Wells have had to come up with a plan to conceal their appearance.

In Season 6, Nash Wells was recognized by Allegra Garcia - proving that Harrison Wells is still a presumed criminal. Now, with Joe as the new captain of CCPD, we know that nobody will prosecute an innocent Wells, but that doesn't explain away the situation or answer how the likes of Harry or Sherloque got by before that.

How did Harry - who looked identical to Earth-1 Wells - get around during Season 4? And was a hat, long hair and a mustache enough to conceal Sherloque's Wells-like features?

An alternate 2024 timeline in Season 3 revealed that H.R. had become a published author without explanation as to why his face was able to appear on books and how he could host public readings of his novels without any repercussions (did the facial transmogrification device extend to authors photos too?). And that right there is a microcosm of the show's treatment of the Wells situation post-Season 3.


Are there any other Arrowverse plot holes that you noticed? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.