10 Plot Holes You Haven't Noticed In The Arrowverse

7. The Titular Hero MUST Take Down The Bad Guy

Arrowverse Supergirl Batwoman Flash Arrow
The CW

The problem with having characters from multiple Arrowverse shows interact with each other is that it makes them obvious solutions for major problems... obvious solutions that none of them can see.

Take the Season 4 finale of Arrow for instance, as Damien Darhk threatened to blow up the entire world with a ton of nuclear missiles. He didn't just want to destroy Star City, but the whole freakin' world... including Central City. With that in mind, wouldn't The Flash have been the perfect man for the job? Not only could he have taken down Darhk (and saved Felicity's ex) in an instant, he could have saved his own city from a nuclear apocalypse.

Speaking of The Flash, you know who would've been a great asset in the fight against Savitar? Supergirl. The Girl of Steel would have been almost as fast as the mechanical speedster and could have destroyed him with a single punch. And to top it all off, she could have done so without Savitar being able to anticipate her moves (because, being a time remnant of Barry, Savitar knew exactly what the Scarlet Speedster would do).

These are only two examples of a wider problem in the Arrowverse that all center on the fact that the shows can't undermine their titular hero by having another one swoop in to save the day. Sure, they'll occasionally rely on them for secondary heroism (Oliver reaching out to The Flash in Arrow's Season 3 finale) but it renders the whole thing redundant when they could literally stop the whole thing in a heartbeat and save a ton of lives in the process.

This is a somewhat understandable plot hole given that the shows need to rely on their own heroes, but as these are supposed to be some of the smartest characters in the multiverse, it does come off as baffling that they wouldn't call in the heavy artillery for the heavy-duty missions.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.