10 Plot Twists That Totally Ruined Awesome TV Shows

1. St. Elsewhere - The Entire Show Takes Place In The Mind Of An Autistic Kid (Season 6)

Though Dallas' twist is more famous, St. Elsewhere's twist wins for its sheer, hilarious contempt for its audience, as though the writers thought, "How can we upset our audience so much that they'll hate the show forever more?" The final scene shall go down in history as the most aggressive middle finger to an audience in TV history, as it is revealed that the entire show's events appeared to have taken place inside the mind of Director of Medicine Donald Westphall's autistic son Tommy. Furthermore, Donald is in fact a construction worker rather than the Director of Medicine, and the character of Daniel Auschlander turns out to be Donald's father. The most famous imagery involves Donald placing a snow globe that Tommy was holding on top of their TV set, at which point we see that the globe contains a replica of St. Eligius, the very hospital in which the series is set. Minds the world over were blown, and even if you can appreciate the darkly comic merit of such a twist, it has ultimately overshadowed the serious quality of the show, particularly as far as acting and writing are concerned. Are there any other horrendous plot twists I missed? Let me know!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.