10 Plot Twists That Totally Ruined Awesome TV Shows

2. Dallas - Season 9 Was All A Dream (Season 10)

At the end of Dallas season 8, Bobby Ewing dies of massive internal injuries after being hit by a car, yet the end of season 9 completely retcons this by revealing Bobby alive and well in Pam's shower, the almighty WTF of twist endings. Season 10 reveals that Bobby's death and the events of season 9 were all a dream, creating an iconic moment of TV history and easily one of the most maligned and famously joked about twists of all time. The absurd nature of the show's melodrama had reached an all time high, and for many fans and critics, this simply proved too much to handle. The problem with a twist this manipulative is that the writers lose the trust of the audience, because now how can the audience believe anything they see? If the writers feel like it, they could try another rug pull, and so it's difficult to become as invested in the drama with that fear. Still, the show ambled on up to season 14 before finally concluding.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.