10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

1. Making The Doctor The Timeless Child

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children

When it comes to the Chris Chibnall era, the fandom is split right down the middle. Many decisions made by the latest show-runner sealed fans decisions as to whether or not they wanted to continue. The final nail in the coffin came with the reveal of the Timeless Child.

This element was first hinted at back in The Ghost Monument, but seemingly got dropped as it was never mentioned again in Series 11. Come Series 12, this idea was brought back out of nowhere, and determined the fate of both Gallifrey, and The Doctor's journey moving forward.

The Master became utterly disgusted when he discovered what the Timeless Child meant, dangling the notion that it's secrets would change our entire perception of Doctor Who forever. Naturally, this was a bold claim, and made people anxious as to what Chris Chibnall intended. Unfortunately, nobody was quite prepared for how far he was willing to go to make his mark on the show, incorporating a retroactive element that literally changed everything.

Taking inspiration from 'the Cartmel Masterplan', Chris Chibnall has made The Doctor a mythological wonder, as well as a key establishment for the foundation of the Time Lords. The revelation itself isn't a particular problem, and sticks nicely with the concept of the Time Lords being corrupt to the core, but by having The Doctor at the heart of everything takes away many important elements from their character.

They're no longer just a simple wanderer in space and time, instead an all important figure that holds the foundations of the show together. On top of this, William Hartnell is no longer the First Doctor, as there are now countless other incarnations that came before him, including Jo Martin's Fugitive Doctor, and even the controversial Morbius Doctors. It's certainly a lot to take in, and something that leaves one's head aching with confusion.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.