10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

2. Altering The First Doctor's Character

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children
BBC Studios

Steven Moffat made many strange decisions over the course of his tenure as show-runner, but none so bizarre as making the First Doctor appear sexist. It was initially planned to conclude the Twelfth Doctor's era with The Doctor Falls, but circumstances regarding Chris Chibnall's start date pushed Peter Capaldi's run back to Christmas 2017.

This resulted in Steven Moffat coming up with an epilogue on the fly, to which David Bradley was brought in to portray the First Doctor (as originally played by William Hartnell). He'd already paid tribute to the original incarnation during Mark Gatiss' docudrama, An Adventure in Space and Time, so he wasn't a stranger to the role.

Frustratingly, Steven Moffat decided to make unnecessary alterations to the First Doctor's persona, particularly when it came to him not wanting to regenerate, retroactively changing the events of The Tenth Planet. Sure, there were originally intentions to insert dialogue eluding the First Doctor being hesitant towards the change, but since this never happened it feels forced in, like Steven Moffat felt the need to reinstate this passed on idea.

That, and Steven Moffat crafted a running joke that the First Doctor was sexist, making fans of the original incarnation cringe in both embarrassment, and disgust. It's a true shame really because David Bradley did such a marvellous job at capturing the spirit of William Hartnell, but sadly his legacy was disrespected by the show-runner inserting an ill-advised parody routine that ultimately spoilt the experience.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.