10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

9. Making The Key To Time Arc Completely Pointless

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children

Season 16 allowed Graham Williams to get really stuck in with his version of Doctor Who, pushing him to try out something different. Until the revived era, the show wasn't particularly known for having story-arcs that drove the season's narrative.

The Key to Time arc was unique in binding each serial together, forcing the Fourth Doctor on a singular quest throughout this particular run of stories, before it all concluded for the finale. At least that was the intention.

Given the Fourth Doctor, alongside new companion Romana, had spent five serials searching tirelessly for the various segments to the Key to Time, you would've hoped that this journey held some merits come its resolution. After all, the White Guardian made it clear that the search was urgent, and would prevent the collapse of the universe, due to it requiring a rebalancing because of the increase in evil spreading across reality.

In a disappointing turn of events, the Fourth Doctor separates the Key to Time at the final hurdle, and scatters it once more across space and time. Nothing gets concluded. The universe remains unbalanced, and in danger of destruction. But it's fine. The Black Guardian didn't get hold of the mystical device. In turn, this makes the entire season feel absolutely pointless

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.