10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

8. The Reality Bomb

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children
BBC Studios

Given The Stolen Earth/Journey's End reintroduced us to Davros, the deranged creator of the Daleks, things were sure to escalate in terms of the Daleks' twisted schemes for universal domination.

Although, it was a bit of a leap for them to want to annihilate every single living creature, and form of matter, in the known universe. It somewhat goes against their basic nature, and programming, considering the Daleks were conceived to become the dominant lifeform, upon all over life being suppressed, allowing for universal peace.

Here, they straight up wanted to murder everything, ensuring they were the only element left existing. And then what? Once they're just sat in their little bubble in the Medusa Cascade, what do they intend to do then? Maybe Davros had just completely lost his mind by that point, but this whole strategy is just dumb, and depletes his overall desire of becoming the supreme being.

If that wasn't questionable enough on the part of Russell T Davies' writing, then having the Reality Bomb reach ever corner of existence is even more puzzling. This implied that if the Dalek device was activated, then everything in every dimension, and reality, would be lost.

That means that reality should've been wiped out regardless, given that there must be a parallel universe out there in which The Doctor failed to stop Davros. Sometimes being too ambitious, and bold, can lead to some serious plot holes.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.