10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

6. The Sixth Doctor's Introduction

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children
BBC Studios

John Nathan-Turner had established himself as quite a successful producer, through managing to conclude Tom Baker's seven year run, as well as keeping the show going through Peter Davison's much younger, and relatable incarnation. However, when it came to introducing his second Doctor, played by Colin Baker, things didn't go so smoothly.

The first mistake was introducing the Sixth Doctor at the end of the Fifth Doctor's final season (particularly after his popular outing, The Caves of Androzani). John Nathan-Turner feared that he may lose audience interest by not having an established Doctor before the season ended. This seemed quite strange, considering this had been done before with three other actors, and Doctor Who managed to continue without any major repercussions.

Secondly, it was decided that the Sixth Doctor would be a complete contrast to the Fifth Doctor, meaning he would be less kind, understanding, and a lot more questionable in their behaviour and actions. More salt was rubbed into the wound by having the post-regeneration period go incredibly wrong, resulting in the infamous scene of Peri being strangled.

Needless to say, all these decisions must have left the audience feeling concerned about the future of the show. It's actually a miracle anybody tuned in when Season 22 eventually rolled around, especially after the Sixth Doctor portentously forced them to accept him.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.