10 Questionable Creative Decisions Made On Doctor Who

5. Wasting Gallifrey's Return

Doctor Who the Doctor The Timeless Children

Steven Moffat did a daring thing when he retroactively saved Gallifrey from its destruction during the events of The Day of the Doctor. A lot of people were upset by this, as it took away from The Doctor's journey up until that point. However, there was hope on the horizon that Gallifrey's return meant it gave The Doctor something to live for, with his new purpose in life being to return home, the long way round.

This could've been a neat replacement for the depressing arc established since Series 1, where The Doctor was bitter over his actions during the Time War, and what it led to. No longer did he have to feel ashamed, but proud that he remained The Doctor, even during his darkest days.

Frustratingly, all of these positives outcomes were thrown away. Hell Bent promised us the return of Gallifrey. The Doctor could finally go home after everything that happened. Granted, it was a bit too soon, with The Doctor's search being non- existent throughout Series 8 and 9, but regardless, this event was what fans welcomed above all else.

Instead, it was all shoved aside to allow the painfully written Clara arc to continue for an unnecessary epilogue, ultimately spoiling this monumental occasion. Even The Doctor casting Rassilon off the planet was rushed, and quickly glossed over for events that fans didn't want the episode to be focused on.

Everything is made a billion times worse when Gallifrey's next appearance would see its complete destruction once again. Talk about mishandling a great concept, especially when two show-runners got it so wrong with questionable creative decisions.

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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.