10 Questions About The X-Men TV Show

1. Will It Be Any Good?

Speculation is all well and good. Speculation is fun. Seeing which predictions paid off, which were way off base and what interesting and cool new ideas get brought in is all part of it. But none of that really matters, in the end, if this new X-Men TV series winds up being a big pile of the proverbial. The biggest question about the project at this point is will it be any good? The signs are pointing that way. With Days Of Future Past the franchise appears to have gotten back on track. This new project appears to have some decent backing, with 24 producers Evan Katz and Manny Coto on board as showrunners and sources claiming the series will be written by Patrick McKay and JD Payne, who provided the first draft of the Star Trek 3 screenplay. Still, superhero TV shows aren't as sure a thing as their big screen counterparts. For every Arrow and Flash there's, well, a Gotham, and Gotham is not a good show by any stretch of the imagination. This live action X-Men thing could really go either way. Fans will just have to wait and see. Look at it this way, though: surely it can't be any worse than that made-for-TV Generation X movie from the mid-nineties, right? Right?
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/