10 Questions About The X-Men TV Show

4. Has It Got The Budget To Work?

The biggest concern when it comes to all of these superhero shows is whether you can actually make them work on a weekly television budget. Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD has frequently been criticised for having some shonky special effects and barely ever featuring any actual superpowers, as it pales in comparison to the huge budgets the blockbuster movies are afforded. DC have managed to do pretty well with The Flash and Arrow, but even they have a tendency to look a little cheesy at times €“ and they're not being compared to anything. An X-Men TV series, meanwhile, will have to stand next to the films, which again have significantly higher budgets. So, the X-Men shows has too options: one, use the special effects well, but sparingly; characters like Multiple Man are kind of easy to pull off anyway, but kinda disappointing compared to the likes of Iceman and Beast. Two: throw caution to the wind and have all kinds of weird and wonderful mutant abilities, cheesiness be damned.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/