10 Quintessential Doctor Who Moments From The 12th Doctor
1. Cheating (Clara's) Death
Nobody thought that Clara was going to stay dead, did they? Yes, yes they did; many fans and critics even applauded the bold move of killing off such a prominent character. And she did stay dead—technically. However, once again thanks to Ashildr and other Time Lord cheats, Clara was granted the opportunity to explore the universe in a diner-shaped TARDIS, for as long as she pleased. The only condition being, that when she was ready, she’d have to succumb to death without a fight.
Clara’s arc still had a bittersweet ending, in that The Doctor was forced to erase all memory of her, allowing both of them to move on. It may seem that in erasing his memory he also negated everything from the previous three seasons. But an optimist would say that even though he no longer has the memories to call upon, they still exist, and he still learned something in the long run. And what’s good for the optimist is twice as good for an unapologetic, grumpy Scot.