10 Reasons Disney Plus Will Dominate Netflix

8. The Phineas & Ferb Movie

Disney Plus
Disney XD

You probably didn’t even know it was happening, but you’re already excited for it, right?

That’s the power Disney have. They own so much stuff, they don’t need many new ideas, they just reach into their back pocket and pull something great out.

Recess hasn’t been on the air for 18 years, but if you heard there was another movie coming out (can you believe they’ve made four already?!), you’d probably be hyped for it (There isn’t another, by the way). But when a company owns your childhood, they pretty much already have your money.

In the crush of information and swathes of Star Wars and Marvel news (more on them soon), the Phineas and Ferb movie being in development was swept aside a little bit. All we know for now is that it’ll be exclusive to streaming, will feature many of the original cast and will debut in the service’s first year.

With so little known, it’s unlikely to be a launch title, but that could be to its benefit. People aren’t going to subscribe for Phineas & Ferb, but it might just come along at the right time and get them back using the service as that initial "OMG all those old Disney movies!" interest wanes.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)